Feser-Graf KEP center point

We are your specialist for courier, express and parcel services

KEP - Logistics Made Easy

We are your KEP-specialist for Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles in the Nuremberg metropolitan region. As a transportation company, partnering with us means you do not only benefit from special conditions, but also receive the highest level of performance and flexibility. With our 100 pre-ordered, immediately available commercial vehicle inventory, you can comfortably avoid long wait times and delivery difficulties.

Coordination of courier, express and parcel services

At our modern KEP service centers in Nuremberg, Fürth and Lauf, we offer individual leasing options as well as maintenance and wear packages, coupled with first-class customer service and outstanding expertise in the field of mobility.

Alisan Erdogan

Alisan Erdogan


0911 5402-459

Your KEP benefits with the Feser-Graf Group

  • Qualified KEP service centers
  • Direct accessibility to KEP-specialists
  • Express service for small jobs without an appointment
  • 24-hour emergency, towing and recovery service: emergency number 0800 100-6362
  • Appointment guarantee within 72 hours
  • Main and emissions inspections at agreed special prices
  • Safety inspection (free with new vehicle delivery)
  • Accident repair including handling
  • Smart repair / painting work / glass damage service
  • Individual conversion solutions according to your wishes and needs (Certified Sortimo & Würth Partner)
  • Free pick-up and delivery service in the Nuremberg area
  • Vehicle wash and small interior cleaning with every workshop visit
  • Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle Service Plus contract for courier and express service vehicles
  • Trained employees in service and sales
  • And much more

Your sales KEP-Specialists

Your service KEP-Specialiast

In addition, possible conversion solutions for Crafter, T6.1, and ID. Buzz make your logistical everyday life easier. It makes no difference whether you work in parcel delivery, carry out moves, need to transport perishable and delicate goods or drugs. We offer you suitable solutions for your logistical workday.

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